It appears that your cart is currently empty
It appears that your cart is currently empty
Tell your customers about the news of your store using a blog. Blog articles can be placed in blocks of 3, 6, 9 segments. Also you can select small (370x245), medium (370x370), and large (370x493) size images. Display the text on top of the picture or under it. You can also add or remove the "View All" button.
Do you have new collections in the store? Add to the homepage with this section accommodating up to 9 collections. Choose the image size: small (370x209), medium (370x400), and large (370x449). You can also place text on top of the picture or below it. You can disable button “See everything”.
Add blocks with a picture, text, YouTube video, product, collection, or HTML code. You can change the size of each block 25, 33, 50, 66, 75 or 100%.
Place your goods where you think is appropriate and the quantity you want. List products from the selected collection in groups of 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. Choose the image size - small (270x151), medium (270x270), and large (270x360).
Place in this section any photos: shop, goods, company, collections, etc. It is possible to add from 1 to 4 images, in a row across the entire width of the page. Add text and a link. There is the facility to change the height of the block (small, medium, large).
This section can be used to convert a client with a “Call to action” button. You can choose the image size - small (570x320), medium (570x570), and large (570x760).
Pair large text with an image to give focus to your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.
Pair large text with an image to give focus to your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.
If you want to place a parallax effect on your site this section is ideal for that. You can choose the image size - small (2048x500), medium (2048x600), and large (2048x800).
This functionality helps customers select products by their manufacturers. Once your shoppers click on a name of a certain brand, they will proceed to the page with all items that belong to same brand. You can add from 4 to 20 logo. Choose the size of logo pictures: small(270x90), medium(270x151) and large(270x270).
Do you sell from a physical location as well as online? Your customers need to know where your store is located, if they want to see the actual goods. Choose the height of the section (small, medium, large). Also, you can change the colors and the icon indicating the store location point. There are 5 styles for the map: Default style, Light, Dark, Pale Dawn, Apple maps, Midnight). Used by the Google Maps API key.
According to statistics, the client often uses the section with the carousel, as he can review the top products or bestsellers that the store offers without moving to the product page. From the selected collection you can show 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 products, in one or two rows, 4 in a row. If the products are larger than the space in a row, they are displayed as a carousel. A carousel of two rows can be scrolled in one or more directions. It is possible to choose the image size of the product: small (270x170), medium (270x270), and large (270x374).
If you have a single product shop, or you want to draw the customer's attention to a particular product that you would like to sell faster and in greater quantities, this is the ideal section. The data of the selected product is displayed. You can choose the image size: small (370x370), medium (570x570), Full-width (1170x520).
Slider is the most popular item in all online stores. You can change the height of the section: small (2048x400), medium (2048x600), and large (2048x800). Turn on autoplay from 5 to 10 seconds. Add up to 5 slides.
More than 60% of customers make a point of paying attention to reviews about the company. Add 1 - 9 quotes. With more than 3, the quotes will be in the carousel.
Share blogs, products or promotions with your customers. Columns can consist of image with text and button, you can choose small (370x208), medium (370x370), and large (370x493), and add up to 6 blocks. There is an opportunity to change alignment of the text on the left edge, on the right edge and in the center.