Vendor: jjhealthcareproducts

X Frame Rollator

Regular price $255.00 CAD Sale price $255.00 CAD Regular price $300.00 CAD
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Product Information

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Walker Adjustment Guide

Rollator walkers are height adjustable to allow the user to be able to adjust the handle height to meet their needs. Because people are of different shapes and have different postures some minor variations will occur as to the proper height when based on the user's overall height.

When the handle height of the walker is adjusted properly, the user can stand with a normal posture while wearing the footwear they most commonly wear.

Adjusting the rollator walker height is easily done without the need of tools. There will be a knob where the handles meet the frame of the walker which when loosened and removed will allow the handles to be raised and lowered. The seat height of the rollator walker will usually be fixed at a certain height and not adjustable.

While the user is standing with their arms hanging limply at their sides, the distance from the inside of their wrist (where a snug watchband would normally be) to the floor should be equal to the top of the walker handles to the floor.


Using a Walker

The using of a rollator walker involves simply pushing the walker ahead of oneself while walking.

Care must be taken when negotiating ramps to prevent the rollator walker from moving too quickly on a downward slope. Light use of the hand brakes on ramps to slow the rollator will help control the walker and prevent accidents.

Rollators are designed with seats to provide a place to sit and rest as needed. These seats are not intended to be used to sit on while caregivers or helpers push the user around.

Most rollators are also equipped with hand brakes that work similarly to those on a bicycle with the exception that they will usually be able to lock the wheels. It is important that the user locks the wheels before sitting on the seat for safety.


  • Lightweight Aluminum
  • 8” Backrest
  • Mesh Sling Seat for easy folding
  • Adjustable Handle Height
  • Locking Brakes
  • Fabric Carry Bag
  • Cup Holder
  • Folds front to back and side to side
  • Cane Holder
  • Economically Priced


  • User Height range: 5' 2” to 6'
  • Seat Width: 18 1/2"
  • Seat Depth: 10"
  • Seat Height: 20.9"
  • Width Between Handles: 18.5"
  • Overall Width: 24”
  • Handle Height: 31.3” to 36.4”
  • Caster Size: 7.9”
  • Weight capacity: 285 lbs
  • Frame material: Aluminum
  • Weight: 16.7 lbs
  • Weight in box: 18 lbs
  • Box Dimensions: 16.5” x 10.6” x 26.7”